Family Counseling
Family problems can occur in the healthiest of families, at times causing difficult, frustrating, and painful interactions among family members. Within our family systems, we develop our expectations of others, communication skills, outlook on life, and the way we express and receive love. Economic hardships, family transitions, and difficulty communicating can impact how the family functions. At times member(s) of the family may be struggling with mental health or substance abuse. Or perhaps behavioral issues are leading the family to feel frustrated and at odds.
Family therapy is designed to help families collaborate and address issues while ensuring all individuals feel supported and understood, in order to bring the unit back to balance. Our work provides families the tools they need to help restore a better understanding of healthy boundaries, family patterns, improve problem solving, and reduce conflict - while enhancing communication.
Family members must all be 18+ years of age.
Therapy for adult siblings. Not always easy, but always worth it. Sibling relationships are unique as we share family history and trauma, but the way we experience and perceive that shared history is often not the same. No matter how old you get, siblings’ roles in their families may feel like they’ve never really changed. This isn’t to say that we don’t evolve as we age. It simply means that for most of us, reverting back to how we got along as kids is an easy and natural groove for our patterned behavior to follow.
However, just like any relationship - difficult communication, patterns of conflict, feeling misunderstood and unheard, and the loneliness of desiring to feel close again can cause hurt - and get in the way of healthy functioning. Therapy for siblings often involves the work of discussing family history, having a place to objectively share your experience, and developing the skills you need to navigate sensitive areas - while strengthening your bond. Improving sibling relationships can be rewarding, after all - no one shares the experience quite like the people we’ve known our whole lives.